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London was the only UK region to see house prices falls in November - Evening Standard
London was the only UK region to see house prices falls in November Evening Standard
Schroders Capital names Head of UK Real Estate Investment - Funds Europe Magazine
Schroders Capital names Head of UK Real Estate Investment Funds Europe Magazine
Finding ‘Goldilocks’: The Ascent of Midsize American Cities - U.S. News & World Report
Finding ‘Goldilocks’: The Ascent of Midsize American Cities U.S. News & World Report
The Western Front: Queensway’s £3 billion revamp - Spear's WMS
The Western Front: Queensway’s £3 billion revamp Spear's WMS
After Supreme Court defeat, NAR’s battle with DOJ will continue
The Supreme Court declined to take up the National Association of Realtors' case with the DOJ. But attorneys told Inman there is likely much legal wrangling to come between the two entities.
What not to post: 9 common social media pitfalls to avoid
Social media is a powerful tool for real estate agents, but knowing what not to post is just as important as knowing what to share. Expert Jessi Healey outlines the top mistakes to avoid, from posting too much to ignoring comments, so you can maintain a polished, professional and trustworthy online presence.